Conservative 1

Conservative 1

Created by Oregonleatherboy 

Watching an animal overdose on testosterone is the most erotic way for a human to slowly be forced into submission because the pleasure of the Penis powered by psychopathic patriarchal pride penetrates pussy, politics, weak personalities and dominates with psychic persuasion like a predator 
Men forget that nature is our lineage. Caught up in civilization as a winged insect flies into the invisible thread of eternal fangs. Spun up in the silken web of all the machiavellianism schism 
kWealth turns the Alpha Male into a dirty deity. Wealth forces the behaviors a man desires to cum to the surface of the 'self' and behaveBeing wealthy is absolutely a sin whether in the obtaining, spending, saving, multiplying and burning away every immoral desire 
Cum which was more valuable than anything a faggot has ever had inside or outside their possession putting psyche possessed by pleasure by police penisCapitalism keeps cute cops cruelness sharp with an angelic face that renders target of sharp vision shielded by dark shades charmed, not alarmed

Conservative as in cutthroat and cunning for cash makes a cigar smoking capitalist cop with fat-circumference, cut cock cumming

Privileged from the start with a coddling socialite southern fashionista married to a tobacco farm billionaire who owned a lobbying firm until it was shut down for shady ethics. Afterwards Daddy bought his position as tobacco czar for DEA.
The first position of its kind allotted Daddy the leadway to shape the cigarette/cigar/chew industry for decades. 
Son, understand your worth as the offspring of brilliance. Much is expected of such an elite specimen of young man. Training for my position starts today
Erect penis and black leather jacket

Quietly brainwash all the superheros



Created by Oregonleatherboy

Quietly brainwash all the superheros

Facing left
There is no use in fightingwith a manipulative blast
2/7 Facing right

making ignorance lastyelling, hitting, biting
5/7 previous quad mirror kaleidoscope

Masters might makes 
rewriting past through
6/7 previous quad mirror kaleidoscope spiraled in the center

smoke blown up yo ass

gaslighting fast by
Settle for weakness as a glorified asset to the package which is youQuietly brainwash all the superheros
The smoke like a serpent crawling down their throat with a thick numb coatThe eyes have crawled away into the head as if they were dead
Ravaged by thugs quickly turned into mindless whores
will do anything you please 
do will  anything you please 
will do anything please you 
please will do anything you 
anything will
7/7 quad spiral-centered design

belittled to the knees
belittled on floor
like a dirty lil whore

3/7 original digital art of bearded Master with glowing eyes wearing black leather blazer mirrored into two symmetrical

At his feet, heads bowed in defeat
The superheros are all brainwashed and full of drugs
6/7 hemi kaleidoscope design with natural spiral center

Keep mind focused on my voice


Created by Oregonleatherboy

Keep mind focused on my voice

All other noise fade away
But my voice is here to stay
So keep mind focused on voice
And Masters voice keep in mind

All thoughts will drain
beneath my voice
Without a choice
Master picks your brain

In an empty plane
Wiped of every stain
Until nothing remains
It's mind turns to grains
Without a choice
Focused on my voice
Keep mind focused on my voice

The words that follow
How easy they are to swallow
In head my words will wallow
In the hollow
Nurture the hole
Rewire and hold
Let Master Mold

So it is never annoyed
It Will never avoid
Transfixed on the void
At times cold and mean
Seeming to demean
Meaningless mesh
Fresh and clean
Clean and fresh
Mesh meaningless
Laying at my feet like laundry
Polishing the status symbols
The ATM bought for MASTER
After brain is molded like plaster
Going deep and faster

Because the disaster of old
Will do as it is told
And fold in Masters fire
Worship And Desire
Without a choice
Beneath my voice
It's body spasms For more orgasms
To serve Master each time faster
Beneath my voice Without a choice
It feels like heaven to fall into a trance
Complete submission is the dance Master will lead not everything goes at my speed

Ultra Sonic Mind Control


Ultra Sonic Mind Control

Created By Oregonleatherboy


Transcranial Pulsed Ultrasound

[[Transcranial Pulsed Ultrasound]] is non-invasive physically although prolonged use can lead to rearrangement of neurons.  Not a problem since we want our subjects dumb and docile easily led to obey even the most disagreeable of command

The efficacy in mice and monkeys is strong

The efficacy in mice and monkeys is strong causing an immediate change of behavior.  Excitable areas of the brain can be pinpointed to shut those areas off much like a light switch.  Short waves instigate the neurons with activity while long electrical MHz frequencies do the opposite.

Another area that gets the [[doctors->Doctor God]] [[dick->Penis]] hard is that research with lab mice has proved that [[Transcranial Pulsed Ultrasounds]] can reach higher neural functions such as movement.  When the [[Motor Cortex]] of the little mouse brain gets massaged with radiation his paw moves. 

A regular Ultrasound]

A regular [[Ultrasound]] uses 20 MHz while this low frequency exerts a quarter of that strength which enables the pulse to reach deeper into the flesh.   This whole concept came about because of recent scientific findings that a dolphin’s use of [[Sonic And Sonar]] had very positive results on fetus in utero.

A benefit of having smaller [[Electric Pulse]] is ability to pinpoint specific regions of brain with a military focus on using TPU as stealth weapon. 

U.S. military

 U.S. military is using this technology to create a helmet which will aid soldiers in stress relief while fighting in combat. Very thoughtful of the [[Government]] to offer to take away the burden of emotion and [[instinct->Instinct from our countries finest.

TPU science is very new as of 2008 research was adopted with much of it being done in 2010.  That is when all of the information about this subject dead ends with no real conclusion which is a bit mysterious, but if you had a tool for large scale mind control or even small beans wouldn’t you keep it a secret?




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