Keep mind focused on my voice


Created by Oregonleatherboy

Keep mind focused on my voice

All other noise fade away
But my voice is here to stay
So keep mind focused on voice
And Masters voice keep in mind

All thoughts will drain
beneath my voice
Without a choice
Master picks your brain

In an empty plane
Wiped of every stain
Until nothing remains
It's mind turns to grains
Without a choice
Focused on my voice
Keep mind focused on my voice

The words that follow
How easy they are to swallow
In head my words will wallow
In the hollow
Nurture the hole
Rewire and hold
Let Master Mold

So it is never annoyed
It Will never avoid
Transfixed on the void
At times cold and mean
Seeming to demean
Meaningless mesh
Fresh and clean
Clean and fresh
Mesh meaningless
Laying at my feet like laundry
Polishing the status symbols
The ATM bought for MASTER
After brain is molded like plaster
Going deep and faster

Because the disaster of old
Will do as it is told
And fold in Masters fire
Worship And Desire
Without a choice
Beneath my voice
It's body spasms For more orgasms
To serve Master each time faster
Beneath my voice Without a choice
It feels like heaven to fall into a trance
Complete submission is the dance Master will lead not everything goes at my speed